Menopause Resources


Menopause Resources – Fair Oaks Women’s Health

Menopause Resources

Bryan S. Jick, MD, FACOG, MSCP

Welcome to my Menopause Resources Page.

I’ve chosen some menopause materials that I believe are useful and accurate for helping women understand and navigate their menopause transition (see Terms and Conditions).

Menopause is big business and like with any business, a healthy sense of skepticism and a “buyer beware” philosophy can serve you well. There are millions of web sites, products, and self-appointed gurus, experts and influencers.

Many of them (most!) are trying to sell you something (supplements, books, a subscription, a diet, a class, a coaching series, etc.). This doesn’t mean that their information isn’t useful or accurate, but it might be one-sided, “embellished” or sometimes just wrong. And yes, in some cases, it is absolute baloney, or even worse, downright dangerous! Please be careful what and who you choose to believe.

I don’t claim to know all there is to know about Menopause. Nobody does! What I offer is 36 years of experience as a practicing Ob/Gyn physician and my promise, which is:

“To the best of my ability, I will present science-based, trusted medical advice, opinions and guidelines to help you manage your menopause journey.”


Bryan S. Jick, MD, FACOG, MSCP

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