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Music Therapy and Mental Health

Fingers playing on piano

Presenter: Jessica Brizuela, MT-BC

Bio: Jessica is a harpist, board certified music therapist, certified neurologic music therapist, and certified hospice and palliative care music therapist.  Besides being a music therapist, Jessica is a well-established performer, having worked worldwide, and with such iconic rock bands such as Journey. Jessica uses her skills to serve patients in a fun, therapeutic, humanistic, and enjoyable manner.

During the month of May, the Della Martin Center will be providing free virtual presentations dealing with mental health. Topics include suicide awareness, teenage mental health, holistic self-care, as well as music/art therapy. All presentations will be offered via zoom.


To Join the Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 870 1737 3645
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Fri, May 20, 2022
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
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