No One Dies Alone

Huntington participates in the No One Dies Alone (NODA) program, an internationally recognized volunteer program that supports actively dying patients who have no one at their bedside to provide comfort. The program was created by a nurse at an Oregon hospital who was deeply affected when one of her dying patients passed away with no one at his side. Her mission was to ensure that everyone has someone with them when they die, just as they did when they were born.

We have employees and community members who serve as trained volunteers to comfort a few patients each month who have no known family or friends, or they are unavailable or live far away. The patient may or may not be conscious, but can benefit from the comfort of their hand being held while music is playing, or someone’s voice reading or talking to them. Anything that lets them know they are not alone.

Please call (626) 397-5961 for more information or to request a NODA volunteer.